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Where do I begin...?

jan jones

Updated: Dec 2, 2024

Where do I begin ...

Under the Tuscan Sun is, in my opinion, one of the most delightful romantic films of all times. Being a designer, I was completely captivated by the moment Frances impulsively purchased the deserted villa in rural Cortona. Haven't we all fantasized about doing something similarly spontaneous and daring? Although she quickly started doubting her decision, there she stood, questioning her next move. "Where do I

begin ...?"

In the movie, Frances' real estate agent helped her find workers for the reconstruction and redesign. With everything going smoothly, she found herself pondering once more... "Where do I begin?" Recalling advice from a wise individual, she decided to focus on one thing or place and make it her own. She selected the bedroom with the iron bed adorned with the Virgin Mary. She focused on transforming that room into her own safe haven where she could feel secure and at ease, and which provided a retreat from the activities amid the contruction.

Every decorating project starts with a foundation. You likely have a basic sense of your overall style and certain elements you definitely want. When I constructed my home in Maysville, I carefully arranged the desired furniture layout on the blueprints. During the six months of construction, I relished the process of hunting for the perfect pieces. Surprisingly, everything fell into place beautifully. However, if I had purchased a ready-made home instead of designing and building one, I would have approached it differently. This is where Frances' method shines. Start with a single room, or even just a corner of a room, and make it your own, personalizing it to reflect your unique style.

Your space may be indoors, on the front porch, or in the garden. If you work from home, it could be a comfortable place to keep the work flowing with everything at your fingertips. It can also serve as a spot for reading, cuddling with loved ones or pets, listening to music, or engaging in activities that bring peace to your soul. By establishing your sanctuary, you can gain a clearer vision of the ambiance you wish to create throughout the rest of your home.

So, where do you begin? Whether you are decorating from scratch or redecorating, take one little corner and make it your own, and go from there. You'll find that everything will fall in place when you do beautifully.

Here are a few suggestions to get you starting ... and dreaming.

Please click on the first photo to see the entire photo..

For additional ideas, take a look at my Pinterest Board: Where do I begin ... I have curated numerous ideas and included photo credits for you. Explore here!


Discover a wide range of treasures at Lakewood 400 Antiques Market, the perfect place to find everything you need to decorate your home, from furniture plus fresh produce, handmade jewelry, fashion items, art and collectibles. With such a diverse selection, you'll always be surprised by the amazing finds waiting for you! For additional details, Click Here!

Please Note: Beginning January 2024, Lakewood 400 Antiques Market will be open on the 1st weekend of every month, and no longer on the 3rd. Fromthe website and you can add the upcoming dates to your Google calendar. For a reminder every month, sign up for their newsletter.


Jan Jones is a Designer, Artist, and Author of

"Finding Me: A Motivational Journey of Discovery for Young People."

For more information Click Here  

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