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Spring Refresh

jan jones

Updated: Apr 28, 2024
Spring Refresh

St. Patrick's Day is just around the corner.

Time to wear the green.

Spring is following close behind.

Time to bring in the green.

Could there be a more perfect time of year? Everything begins anew in spring. The sound of baby birds. The tinkling of fresh leaves in the gentle breeze. The awakening inside your soul after a long winter respite. It's time for a Spring Refresh!

I'm not talking about spring cleaning, although when we think of spring, this quickly comes to mind. In my house, I refresh or redecorate. It sounds better... But this definitely is the time to bring green into your life and home, all while little plants and trees are budding outside in the most fantastic shades of spring green.

This is also a great time to take on an art project or two. Let's explore a few ways to brighten our homes and gardens this spring.

Spring Refresh: Litttle Things Count!

Just the simplest touch can brighten your home....

New Decor For Spring?

Time to refresh ... or redecorate! Try adding gorgeous new pillows, fresh linens, a bright rug, a simple vignette, new furniture. You may choose to wallpaper an accent wall. With all the new peel and stick wallpaper available today, it is so easy to do. The sky is the limit!

Spring Refresh: Collecting the Greens

Collecting green treasures is a great way to keep springin your heart all year long!

When I built my home, I chose the colors of the sea ... crisp blue, aqua and green ... all except the living room which I painted off white. I hated that room. I woke up one morning and called the painter from my home build, went to Home Depot, sorted through the greens and picked one without even going through the exhausting test pallets, and transformed my living room! The white trim popped, the dark furniture popped, and I have never for one moment felt uncomfortable in that room. Why ... because it's spring everyday!

Bringing In Green ... Literally ... With Plants

Last summer we had Asparagus Ferns on the porch. When it began to cool, we brought them in our home and were thrilled at how happy they were all winter, and how much we enjoyed having them. This spring, we will add more!

Plants are also beneficial in more way than their beauty.

They improve the oxygen quality in your home.

Celebrate Easter with a Spring Refresh

My favorite time to decorate. Actually, I have rabbits out all year. They just make me happy!

And nothing adds to an Easter Celebration as vintage treasures!

What About You!

No one can deny the magic of a new spring outfit in the spring!

A Spring Read!

Just for fun ... It's the perfect time to take the iPad to the porch for some quiet time.

The first photo is "The Green Lady of Brooklyn," an intriguing artist who loves, and only wears, the color green. She's quite famous. I think you will enjoy reading about her. Click here.

The second photo will lead you to find out more about the color green, including spiritual values and many interesting facts about the color green through the centuries? Click here.

Take a little time to breathe deeply and emerse yourself in Mother Nature's beauty.



You Gotta Go ...

... to my Pinterest board, Spring Refresh. I have pinned hundreds of ideas and some with step by step instructions. You'll also fine the photo credits for what's pictured above. Click here!


Lakewood 400 Antiques Market is the decorators happy place to search for great treasure, furniture and accessories, and everything from fresh produce to hand made jewelry and fashions. You absolutely never know what you may find there! It is a glorious treasure hunt sure to delight.

For more information Click Here! 

Please Note: Beginning January 2024, Lakewood 400 Antiques Market will be open on the 1st weekend of every month, and no longer on the 3rd. Go to the website and you can add the upcoming dates to your Google calendar. For a reminder every month, sign up for their newsletter.


Jan Jones is a Designer, Artist, and Author of

"Finding Me: A Motivational Journey of Discovery for Young People."

and the soon to be released, "Daydreaming." For more information Click Here  

For the website and jjd magazine where you can read many articles by jan.

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