There's no porch anywhere in the world that can compare with a Southern porch. Remember sitting with your grandmother, bowl and dishtowel on her lap, while she snapped green beans? The kids with a Coca-Cola in one hand and a paper fan in the other, trying to beat the heat? Good memories!
Porches today can give you that same relaxed feeling and let your mind be free to drift away from the cares of the crazy world we live in.
We all have fond memories of the Andy Griffith show and how his porch was the gathering place especially after dinner and church. There was even one episode where the church service spoke of the need to slow down, and they all ended up on the porch talking about how busy their lives were. My, oh my, what would they say about today's world?

My grandmother had a grand porch in my young eyes, with an old glider and Papa's chair which he made out of spring steel and an old set of baby bed springs. Heaven help the grandchild who was in his chair when he walked out to the porch. I have that chair today and it is such a treasure to me. I guess that is why the vintage look is what appeals to me so much when it comes to a comfortable, lazy afternoon porch. How is it that time seems to slow down the minute you grace a porch?
The decor of your porch could be something very simple, like the photos above. The important thing is the feeling that it brings to you ... to your soul. This can be your place to escape from the hustle and bustle, to curl up with a good book, watch the birds and just make the world go away. Make this your special place. Fill it with whatever makes you at ease, little treasures that make your breathing slow down. Just ...
What better place to search for furniture or great accessories than at the Lakewood 400 Antiques Market! The Market is open the 3rd weekend every month and is a glorious treasure hunt sure to delight. You absolutely never know what you may find there! For info Click Here!
To see many more photos, get more great ideas to help you find your perfect porch theme, and for the photo credits go to the Jan Jones Design Pinterest Page! Click Here
Jan Jones is a Designer, Artist, and the Author of
"Finding Me: A Motivational Journey of Discovery for Young People." Click Here
and the website and jjd blog Click Here
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