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It's Spring!

jan jones

Updated: May 9, 2022

Without a doubt the first glimmer of Spring ignites a sense of wonder in every human being and critter on Planet Earth. The time when our world renews and life begins it's cycle again.

Spring is a joyful time for all of us. I always reflect on the Springtime and Easter's of my childhood. Dotted Swiss dresses is all the colors of the rainbow, making a mess dying Easter Eggs, making sure the grass was not cut until after the big hunt. But one of my favorite memories happened in Kindergarten when our class created giant Easter hats out of colorful crepe paper. I can still close my eyes and see those hats ... and I blame that on my need to decorate for Spring!

Bringing Spring into your home may be the easiest decorating endeavor of all. It could be as simple as bringing fresYouh flowers into your home, especially bulbs like daffodils and hyacinths. Oh, the fragrance. But if you are like me, that is just not enough. You may choose something simple or take it all the way ... Whatever you do, you are sure to enjoy the ambiance of Spring even more. Enjoy!

(click on a picture to see it all)

You probably have some of the basics ... baskets, silver trays, wooden bowls ... but if you don't you can search for treasures at Lakewood 400 Antiques Market and find more than you every dreamed. You may even find a life-size bunny! Here are a few ideas.

Lakewood 400 Antiques Market is open the 3rd weekend every month and is a glorious treasure hunt sure to delight.You absolutely never know what you may find there! For info Click Here!

Click Here to see many more examples and for credit sources of photographs.

Jan Jones is a Designer, Artist, and the Author of

"Finding Me: A Motivational Journey of Discovery for Young People".


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