The first time I wrote about fusion was in a previous career where I produced expositions and generated product guides for food distributors. In that article, fusion referred to fusing two or more cuisines together for a new ailmentary taste. If you have ever enjoyed Chili's Southwestern Egg Rolls, you found southwestern staples ... black beans, corn, beef and peppers ... fused into a Chinese eggroll. Delicious!
Now I am writing about the fusion of two or more pieces of furniture to produce a striking and unique new piece.
Oddly, in my first shop within Lakewood 400 Antiques Market (ahem, many years ago) I experimented with exactly that. I literally cut up old furniture and joined the pieces to create a new design. I have long been a woman with a wood working workshop and the fusion process intrigued me even then. I often hid secret compartments within the piece which would certainly be easier with todays Fused, Clustered & Funky designs.
Creating Fused, Clustered & Funky Furniture

One thing is for sure ... the fun in creating fused, clustered or funky furniture is in the hunt. Finding just the right pieces will send you on a great treasure hunt. This is a great way to gain more storage especially in a studio or office. The paint you choose can provide a cohesive or complimentary look. Using furniture pieces with different depths can generate interest. Using only one set of legs can create a cubby hole to feature accessories. You can use the whole piece or cut it in half (or less), allow one piece to jut out or set back, remove feet ... It can be compact or cantilevered. It's a puzzle! Have fun! Your design choices are endless. In today's world, we are blessed with the freedom to experiment and let our imagination go!
I have chosen great examples of Fused Furniture, along with Clustered Furniture ... where you simply coordinate paint colors and set pieces together. You'll also see Funky Furniture which involves more construction to create a one of a kind piece, a definite focal point for your home. You will see what you can do with orphaned drawers, chairs and windows.. After this, you may find a single piece of furniture, well, just not enough!
Fused Furniture
Click on photo to see full view
Clustered Furniture
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Funky Furniture
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Joining Antique & Modern
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Never Pass Up An Abandoned Piece
That goes for drawers, windows, doors and chairs. I could never pass up an old chair anyway!
Hall trees made with old doors have been around for years, but have you thought of turning two chairs upside down to create a bar?
Click on photo to see full view
My mind is racing, of course. I already have a project in mind. I'll let you know how it turns out. Got to go on a treasure hunt to round up a couple more pieces. Until then, good luck on your own creations. And remember, the wall it will fit on is the limit!

You Gotta Go ...
... to my Pinterest board, Fused, Clustered & Funky Furniture! I have pinned hundreds of ideas and some with step by step instructions. You'll also fine the photo credits for what's pictured above.
Lakewood 400 Antiques Market is the decorator's happy place to search for great treasure, furniture and accessories, and everything from fresh produce to handmade jewelry and fashions. You absolutely never know what you may find there! It is a glorious treasure hunt sure to delight.
For more information Click Here!
Please Note: Beginning January 2024, Lakewood 400 Antiques Market will be open on the 1st weekend of every month, and no longer on the 3rd. Go to the website and you can add the upcoming dates to your Google calendar. For a reminder every month, sign up for their newsletter.
Jan Jones is a Designer, Artist, and Author of
"Finding Me: A Motivational Journey of Discovery for Young People."
For more information Click Here
For the www.janjones.design website and jjd magazine where you can read many articles by jan
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